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Nationalism is often a pejorative word in the West because it emphasises internal strength and cohesion of the nation. In doing so, it gives more importance to the nation rather than to the larger picture of the world: the nation-state in the context of other nations. The nation-state concept that solely promotes nationalism is inward-looking and isolationist. Historically, when nations remained in isolation, with no modern technology available then to communicate or transact business, they usually did not prosper. This was the condition in the 1930s and before. Even, the mighty Americans had to face economic recession and untold hardships when they adopted protectionism policies. Trade has to take place across the globe, as all nations do not have sufficient natural resources and reserves.
However, the opponents of nationalism or nationalist feelings have another issue with it, unless the nation designates an inimical ‘other’ at home (for instance the Jews in Nazi Germany) or an external enemy (any other nation, for instance, India according to the Pakistani ruling class to secure internal cohesion), inner unity cannot be achieved. They do not see the intrinsic merit in positive nationalism i.e., nationalism unifies the country and that unity is good for the nation-state’s happiness and well-being. Without unity, progress is not possible.
There are several other reasons for opposing fierce nationalism in the West. Historians and social scientists opposed nationalism on the basis of another theory. According to them, nationalism irons out the diversity within the nation to bring about kind of unity/uniformity by adopting and enforcing one language, as the national language. They seek minority languages to submit to the major language. For example, after the U.S became independent in 1776, French and Spanish-speaking people who became citizens of the U.S had to adopt English as the national/official language.
However, in India, in the linguistic domain too, diversity is encouraged. Unlike in the West, though Hindi was declared as the national/official language soon after independence, the other provincial/state languages were given official status. India from the beginning, as a nation, promoted multilingualism. India treats multilingualism as a strength, not a weakness. From the first National Educational Policy to the latest NEP 2020, India is promoting a three-language formula for children in the schools, right from primary education. Many nations disowned colonial rulers’ languages considering them symbols of oppression but India has made use of English to its advantage and set an example for liberal thinking and pluralist perception. The West associates the nation-state concept with one shared religion and culture. Whereas, in India, there are many religions, though most of them predominantly Indic in origin. In this way, pluralism is prevalent, defying the prevalent Western definition of nationhood.
It’s indisputable that nationalism minimises differences within the nation among the various castes, creeds and regional groups by stimulating loyalty towards the nation, as a larger goal, and opposes any external threat. Nationalism also discourages conflicting loyalty to other nations. Undoubtedly, without nationalism, a nation cannot survive. A huge body of people cannot be united to defend their country without nationalism. In fact, India needs more nationalism than any other country, as it has hostile neighbours on both sides. Island nations such as the U.K. and Japan have no shared land borders. Hence, the threat perception is lesser.
The countries of the East have old civilizations. Benedict Anderson, an Irish-born academic and renowned internationalist called American nationalism as Creole nationalism, because of the United States’ distinctive history and a demographic blend of foreign settlers and indigenous people. Rightly, India, with its thousands of years of history, with a homogenous population, has well-developed nationalist feelings. The Indian freedom struggle was born out of territorial, cultural and religious nationalism. Now, given the speed of travel and communication worldwide, more and more Indians settled in distant lands are manifesting nationalism in their attachment to their country of birth or origin, India. This can be rightly called Long-distance nationalism. Hence, nationalism has left an indelible impression on the Indian mind despite the regional and ethnic diversity in the country.
The article seem to attempt a clarity what Nationalism with reference to the west vis a vis our country. The divergent cast creed language & several other groups within our country still sports Nationalism as it doesn’t interfere with their school of thought as multiple languages are promoted without prejudice to a specific language. The spirit of Nationalism is therefore needs to be understood considering various cultures surviving simultaneously despite huge diversity. Though the subject is complex it is well explained to bring about clarity as to why Nationalism of country differs from west . A well composed article & highly appreciable as the components & perceptions are deciphered with meticulous details
Well analysed without bringing in patriotism, nationalism is defined. A good analysys distinguishing Indian and Western approach.
Super Indira, Super Analysis on INDIAN NATIONALiSM, This is what I always observe in INDIANS worldwide
Very well said. Without nationalistic feeling no country can prosper,nor peace will prevail in any country.
Well said about nationalism. Before independence Indians have shown more nationalism than now.Good article . I congratulate the author of this article Smt. G Indira garu. I wish her all the best.
Author drew a good contrast between different kinds of Nationalism I.e. west vs east at the same time commented well on the common thread between them.
Ultimately as was outlined, need for some kind of nationalism is needed present in order for a modern nation state to survive but needs to be careful not overstep into fascism.
True.The threats to the nation unity even after independence by Nizam and the likes were deftly eliminated by the rulers that time. Despite all the diversities in Language,religion etc.,every Indian in his heart of hearts has the nationalist feeling which was proved time and again. The differences created by colonial forces in their regimes for meeting their ends are not to be seen now and we stand as one when there is a threat of external aggression. I hope and wish that this unique characteristic of Indians including the long distance ones will endure for ever – unmatched of others either West or some others.
“Vasudhaiva Kuṭumbakam” is something we Indians have adopted over the years and this phrase truly summarizes this article too, the concept of Nationalism which is inclusive and the ideal of Development for all is much relevant in our times.
Appreciate the views of author. Well written . Yes, as said in the article , In India , we have diversity yet we are unified and with good nationalist views .
Philosophy of nationalism has been examined thoroughly by the writer.common language and religion as dominant features of nationalism h ave been examined. Creole and long distance nationalism are given a significant note.
Various factors such as culture, ethnicity,
geographic location,language, politics,religion,traditions and belief in single history invoke and inspire nationalism.
French considered Tricolour cockade,liberty tree,Elephant of the Bastille and Marseilles theme; Americans opted US flag,the bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty; Indians favoured flags that represented Vande Mataram, Nationanl and the Azad Hind and charkha as patriotic symbols during national movement.
Max Weber, German sociologist theorised charismatic leaders such as M.K.Gandhi,Bismarck,
Washington and Napoleone Bonaparte have strengthened and led their nation triumphantly.
John Locke’s three cardinal rights: life,liberty and property are significantly placed in American Declaration of Independence. Locke’s version of social contract was praised by the Whig party of English with reference to Glorious Revolution of 1688 and its effects.
Rousseau’s ‘General Will’, work ‘Emily’ inspired French as well Americans with reference to: ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen’; ‘liberty,Equality and Fraternity ‘ as themes for their movements.
Thomas Paine’s ‘Common sense’ & Montesquieu’s ‘theory of separation of Powers’ have strengthened American revolution as well their constitution.
Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of Ahimsa and Satyagraha revolutionised Indian national movement.
A list of individuals as cited here have made their role remarkably for their nation:
‘The Maid of Orleans’(France), Robert Bruce(Scotland), Alexander1(Russia),Theodore Roosevelt( USA)and Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel(India).
Lastly mention has to be made for aggressive nationalism that resulted in Second World War:Adolf Hitler& Benito Mussolini.
Philosophy of nationalism has been examined thoroughly by the writer.common language and religion as dominant features of nationalism h ave been examined. Creole and long distance nationalism are given a significant note.
Various factors such as culture, ethnicity,
geographic location,language, politics,religion,traditions and belief in single history invoke and inspire nationalism.
French considered Tricolour cockade,liberty tree,Elephant of the Bastille and Marseilles theme; Americans opted US flag,the bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty; Indians favoured flags that represented Vande Mataram, Nationanl and the Azad Hind and charkha as patriotic symbols during national movement.
Max Weber, German sociologist theorised charismatic leaders such as M.K.Gandhi,Bismarck,
Washington and Napoleone Bonaparte have strengthened and led their nation triumphantly.
John Locke’s three cardinal rights: life,liberty and property are significantly placed in American Declaration of Independence. Locke’s version of social contract was praised by the Whig party of English with reference to Glorious Revolution of 1688 and its effects.
Rousseau’s ‘General Will’, work ‘Emily’ inspired French as well Americans with reference to: ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen’; ‘liberty,Equality and Fraternity ‘ as themes for their movements.
Thomas Paine’s ‘Common sense’ & Montesquieu’s ‘theory of separation of Powers’ have strengthened American revolution as well their constitution.
Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of Ahimsa and Satyagraha revolutionised Indian national movement.
A list of individuals as cited here have made their role remarkably for their nation:
‘The Maid of Orleans’(France), Robert Bruce(Scotland), Alexander1(Russia),Theodore Roosevelt( USA)and Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel(India).
Lastly mention has to be made for aggressive nationalism that resulted in Second World War:Adolf Hitler& Benito Mussolini.
Philosophy of nationalism has been examined thoroughly by the writer.common language and religion as dominant features of nationalism h ave been examined. Creole and long distance nationalism are given a significant note.
Various factors such as culture, ethnicity,
geographic location,language, politics,religion,traditions and belief in single history invoke and inspire nationalism.
French considered Tricolour cockade,liberty tree,Elephant of the Bastille and Marseilles theme; Americans opted US flag,the bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty; Indians favoured flags that represented Vande Mataram, Nationanl and the Azad Hind and charkha as patriotic symbols during national movement.
Max Weber, German sociologist theorised charismatic leaders such as M.K.Gandhi,Bismarck,
Washington and Napoleone Bonaparte have strengthened and led their nation triumphantly.
John Locke’s three cardinal rights: life,liberty and property are significantly placed in American Declaration of Independence. Locke’s version of social contract was praised by the Whig party of English with reference to Glorious Revolution of 1688 and its effects.
Rousseau’s ‘General Will’, work ‘Emily’ inspired French as well Americans with reference to: ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen’; ‘liberty,Equality and Fraternity ‘ as themes for their movements.
Thomas Paine’s ‘Common sense’ & Montesquieu’s ‘theory of separation of Powers’ have strengthened American revolution as well their constitution.
Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of Ahimsa and Satyagraha revolutionised Indian national movement.
A list of individuals as cited here have made their role remarkably for their nation:
‘The Maid of Orleans’(France), Robert Bruce(Scotland), Alexander1(Russia),Theodore Roosevelt( USA)and Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel(India).
Lastly mention has to be made for aggressive nationalism that resulted in Second World War:Adolf Hitler& Benito Mussolini.
The article is a nice one with an Aristotelian beginning middle and end.The scenario of events are analysed well.The article shows her versatility.Afteranalysing it any one will definitely comes to the conclusion that it is not the one that counts but the unity that counts.Nationalism in the sense Vasudhaiva kutumbam,a sankrit phrase which means”The world is one family ( verse of Maha Upanishad) engraved in the entrance hall of parliament of India.: Here is a quote furnished from Maha Upanishad:
One is a relative, the other stranger,
say the small minded.
The entire world is a family,
live the magnanimous.
Be detached,
be magnanimous,
lift up your mind, enjoy
the fruit of Brahmanic freedom. The article reflects the following points 1)Inliberating the country from foreign yoke.
2)It leads to the spirit of heroism and self-sacrifice 3)It leads to economic prosperity 4)It leads to political unity and stability
5)Nationalism is a great .6)The individual gives up his selfish interest and works for national interest.
7.It leads to social unit
Before being concluded ,I would like to congratulate the author of the article and expect from her so many articles on current issues which enlighten most of the readers.
The article is a nice one with an Aristotelian beginning middle and end.The scenario of events are analysed well.The article shows her versatility.Afteranalysing it any one will definitely comes to the conclusion that it is not the one that counts but the unity that counts.Nationalism in the sense Vasudhaiva kutumbam,a sankrit phrase which means”The world is one family ( verse of Maha Upanishad) engraved in the entrance hall of parliament of India.:
The article reflects the following points 1)Inliberating the country from foreign yoke.
2)It leads to the spirit of heroism and self-sacrifice 3)It leads to economic prosperity 4)It leads to political unity and stability
5)Nationalism is a great .6)The individual gives up his selfish interest and works for national interest.
7.It leads to social unit
Before being concluded ,I would like to congratulate the author of the article and expect from her so many articles on current issues which enlighten most of the readers.
Kuchibhotla Ramakrishna
Nice article. I’ve now understood these differences. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is what India has always stood for. Under the current circumstances in the country India will soon reclaim it’s status as a Vishwa Guru.