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On December 24, 2022, my podcast with Australian oil and gas mining engineer and inventor Malcolm Roy Bendall was aired by India Foundation on its Chintan website to present his innovative application of a hitherto mysterious property of Plasma physics, plasmoid implosion in water.
Since then the plasmoid implosion technology that he invented has been verified by a European government-accredited agency. Multiple successful tests were needed to convince experts in various disciplines, including electrical and automotive engineering, that the generator built by Bendall delivers the promised results, because the astonishing results of the process at work inevitably meet with strong skepticism and disbelief. The existing prototypes have repeatedly passed the test and the stage of industrial production should be reached soon. For reasons we will explain, India has a special place in the deployment of this breakthrough.
This 17-minute video produced in the USA illustrates the nature and action of the Thunderbolt Generator (TSG):
Bendall’s TSG exhibits plasmoidal behaviour when connected to a petrol, Diesel or natural gas engine. What it means is that liquid plasmoids (generated in the water reservoir of the generator) behave in a very strange way. They have a symbiotic and transformative relationship with atoms and molecules which they restructure in ways beneficial to the environment. They are in essence ‘atomic element changers’. They do that as well in internal combustion engines which, through the plasmoids activated in the TSG, become non-polluting and show much higher efficiency because of the sharp reduction in heat loss from combustion.
In the oft-repeated tests done on various types of engines, it has been shown that, while the average output of carbon dioxide (CO20) is 9.3%, carbon monoxide (CO) almost 6% and oxygen (O) about 4.5%, once the plasmoid generator is plugged in one of these engines, CO2 and CO in the emissions disappear, nitrous oxide (NO) is reduced by 75% and the oxygen exhaust instead rises to more than 20%. The inevitable conclusion is that all of the CO and hydrocarbons were transformed into oxygen, making the engine completely clean and good for the atmosphere and human health. The time taken for this operation is less than four minutes from the moment the plasmoids are activated. As analyst David Selmar notes: ‘The TSG (has) a significant impact on the molecular structure of what is being emitted from the engine. Moreover … .the changes are all for the better as transmuting or exchanging the harmful or dangerous pollutants with Oxygen is the best possible outcome’.
In another test performed on a different motor at the Land Logical Corporation in Dartford, UK, the original levels of emissions, before plugging on the TSG, was almost 5 milligrams of sulfur dioxide per cubic meter (m3), 882 mg/m3 of VOCs (carbon), 185 mg/m3 of NO and more than 12000 mg/m3 of CO and almost no oxygen in the exhaust. Subsequently, the plasmoid reaction in the TSG increased the oxygen emission of the same engine by almost 7000% (seven thousand percent) while reducing the toxic gas contents to the tune of 80 and 100%. The general observation is that ‘no matter what elements or molecules are given to the TSG, the plasmoids will always convert most of them to oxygen’ (Selmar, Ibid.). Therefore the air that comes out in the exhaust contains more oxygen than ordinary breathable clean air. It implies that molecules and atoms are being broken down and recomposed differently by plasmoidal action. This short description of the process provides only a technologically simplified version of the complex physics at work in the sophisticated and yet inexpensive machine designed and built by Bendall to render the use of fossil fuels non-polluting and even regenerative of the atmospheric environment, whether for vehicle propulsion, thermal power plants operation, industrial production or for any other function. ’What the TSG does is to adjust the mixture of the stuff (in the fuel) so as to have the same mass but in different (molecular and atomic) shapes; so instead of harmful pollutants…we have oxygen and energy that support health and life…. The mass consumed is converted to energy in the form of heat, and therefore, the amount of Mass in the system is exactly the same…but the pollutants have dropped on a significant scale…The TSG doesn’t do the work, the Plasmoids do the work. The TSG provides the ‘shop front’ so to speak, as the place where they can safely work and do their task of changing the various elements of the Periodic Table that we don’t need, from being pollutants, into oxygen and energy…’ (Selmar, Ibid).
It should be added to this presentation that the impact potential of the TSG on the economy and society extends far beyond the elimination of harmful carbon emissions. As Selmar and several others, including the reputed scientist Robert Haralick and the famous expert on ancient sacred geometry Randall Carlson, have remarked, the TSG and the Plasmoids that it taps offer a solution to many other scientific and technical problems. The effects of plasmoids on atomic matter invite us to review many current theories and practices, such as the application of Carbon 14 measurements to archaeological chronology which is proven to be unreliable and probably misleading in many cases. Several laws of physics, long held to be certain and undeniable are slowly being revised and, in some cases, discredited. Naturally, the process of trial and elimination will continue as more discoveries are being made and concepts revised accordingly.
An important aspect of Malcolm’s contribution is that his work on atomic numbers, the geometric relations between matter and energy, and the Zero-Point Field (ZPF) were inspired by his meditation on Sanskrit mathematics, the concept of Akasha (aether and/or plasma), and the esoteric significance of theurgic and cosmological symbols such as the Vajra , the cruciform diamond thunderbolt wielded by Indra and by some of the Dhyani Buddhas (Akshobya-Vajrapani), Bodhisattvas, and Mahayana deities. The turbine he has designed to harness plasmoid effects for propulsion in air and water borrows part of its dynamic shape from the Vajra and is called the Vajra turbine.
Addendum: first page of a book on Bendall’s mathematical work on numbers and the elements of the periodic table and its application to plasmoid implosion physics.
Sacred Numbers are The Keys to Unlock Energy
Malcolm Roy Bendall, Jordon Collin, Sheela Rahman,
Randall Carlson, Robert Haralick

In this book we will introduce a different kind of way of understanding and using numbers, a way that is ancient in origin. Numbers can indicate something more than quantity. They carry information at another level. And we will show that this way of using the information that numbers carry leads to the design of the Thunderstorm Generator which transforms gasoline, diesel, and natural gas engines to ones which have negligible levels of carbon in its exhaust, something that seems impossible since gasoline, diesel, and natural gas all have carbon which binds the hydrogen that the engine essentially uses for energy.
The workings of this Thunderstorm generator has been demonstrated multiple times in multiple places by multiple people, including extensive testing by Element, an international company that is respected all over the world for its accuracy in testing. What we have here is an inconsistency between empirical observations and what is inconsistent with the current science point of view.
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