Articles Defeating China in the Psywar is a Precondition Pradipta RoyJuly 30, 2020931 views2 comments 8 minutes India must tackle the psychological war waged by PRC and its sympathisers within the country.
Articles India must seize the opportunity in Critical Technologies Development Deepak LoombaJuly 28, 2020809 views7 comments 11 minutes India must indigenize production and development of high end technologies, and create facilitating policies to ensure the success of ‘Make in India’, ‘Assemble in India’, and ‘Service in India’ campaigns.
Articles Remembering the Kargil War Maj Gen Dhruv C KatochJuly 26, 20201,720 views7 comments 10 minutes Kargil Vijay Diwas is a day of national pride as well as a date to remember the bitter lessons learnt in that war
Articles Iran, a potential bulwark against BRI Sandhya JainJuly 25, 20201,300 views6 comments 7 minutes Burning bridges with Iran can pave the way for China’s dominance over a full spectrum of the Eurasian landmass and major seas of the world.
Articles Introduction to Indian Temple Architecture Sushant BhartiJuly 24, 20209,884 views8 comments 8 minutes Exploring the rich history, evolution, significance, and the varied forms of Indian temple architecture.
Articles Soft Power Struggles Ram MadhavJuly 23, 20204,572 views20 comments 8 minutes Statues, Church, Mosque and a Temple - How underlying cultural tensions are leading to liberal dilemmas and geo-political conflicts.
Articles हेल्थ डिप्लोमेसी: स्वास्थ्य कूटनीति मे भारत के सफल प्रयास Sanjai SinhaJuly 22, 2020902 viewsAdd comment 6 minutes भारत स्वास्थ्य कूटनीति के सफल प्रयासों से एक नए नेतृत्व की भूमिका निभा सकता है |