Given Beijing’s constant claims on India’s Arunachal Pradesh, the time has come for India to revisit its Tibet policy and challenge the CCP’s false narrative which underlies Xi Jinping’s aggressive policy.
In the last several months an unusual crescendo of warnings and complaints against the WHO is being heard from many health professionals, investigative journalists, and public administrators in several countries.
By taking a proactive and collaborative approach, the implementation of Project BHISHM's indigenous mobile hospitals can be expedited, ensuring India is better prepared to respond to natural disasters and other emergencies.
Christianity transitioned from being an alien imposition of colonial rule and indoctrination to seeking harmony with the perennial truths and devotional forms intrinsic to India's civilisational identity.
The primary objective of Mission Divyastra was to showcase India's ability in Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology which amplifies the destructive potential of a single ballistic missile.