Articles Hindu Temples as a representation of the Cosmos – Part I Subhash KakSeptember 7, 20203,401 views2 comments 7 minutes The lengths of the axis and the perimeter of Hindu temples have great astronomical significance.
Articles Tweak in Girls’ Marriage Age, per se A Good Move, But for Concerns Indira G.September 4, 20201,775 views46 comments 9 minutes There is a need for hiking girls' age for marriage.
Articles Bharat needs Dharmika Kshatram Giridhar MamidiSeptember 3, 20202,885 views20 comments 9 minutes Conflicts between Vyakti Dharma and Rashtra Dharma should not affect national policies.
Articles डिजिटल डिप्लोमेसी: भावी कूटनीति की राह Sanjai Sinha and Anil KumarSeptember 2, 2020866 viewsAdd comment 7 minutes भारत का डिजिटल रूपांतरण एक अभूतपूर्व तीव्रता के साथ घटित हो रहा है |
Articles Shying Away from Gender Justice raising the shield of Multiculturalism Arushi AnthwalSeptember 1, 2020822 views1 comment 8 minutes Analyzing the Law Commission’s arguments against the desirability of a Uniform Civil Code.
Articles Stepping onto the ‘Third Way’: Ingenuity for Aatm-Nirbhar Bharat. Prashant BarthwalAugust 31, 20201,083 viewsAdd comment 8 minutes In his 1998 book ‘Third Way’, RSS ideologue Dattopant Thengadi had made a moral case for an Aatm-Nirbhar Bharat.
Articles Need for Reformed Multilateralism: Time for India to play a leading role Shristi PukhremAugust 29, 2020711 views1 comment 10 minutes India can play a key role in reviving and reforming multilateralism to suit the current geopolitical order.
Articles Fighting the Shadow Pandemic Karen Dipnarine-SaroopAugust 28, 2020723 viewsAdd comment 9 minutes 25 Years After The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the COVID lockdown has once again brought back the focus on gender inequalities and domestic violence on women.
Articles नई शिक्षा नीति से स्कूली शिक्षा में आएंगे बुनियादी बदलाव Abhishek Ranjan KumarAugust 27, 20201,026 viewsAdd comment 10 minutes 34 वर्ष बाद देश को मिली नई शिक्षा नीति से शिक्षा क्षेत्र में बुनियादी बदलाव आएंगे
Articles Bharat and Dvipantara: Advancing Cultural and Civilizational ties between India and Indonesia Hadza Min Fadhli RobbyAugust 26, 20201,147 views1 comment 10 minutes The unique cultural links between India and Indonesia offer immense potential for future cooperation between the two thriving Asian nations.